BCH Center Programs & Retreats
2025 Program Offerings
Pre-Confirmation Retreat

March 21 - 23, 2025
Middle & High Schoolers
This retreat is designed for middle and high schoolers exploring confirmation in the Episcopal tradition. It's appropriate for youth who are connected with Episcopal parishes and are actively working towards a scheduled confirmation and also for youth who just want to dip their toes in to see what confirmation could mean for them.
We'll gather between 6 and 8 pm on Friday, 21 March and conclude our weekend together at 10 am on Sunday, 23 March. In between, we'll have fun, worship together, and engage in conversation about what it means to think about being a person of God in a new way- all while building community with youth from around the region.
While clergy and youth leaders are welcome to let us know that you're interested in chaperoning by e-mailing BCH Executive Director, Spencer Hatcher at spencer@bchcenter.org, there is no expectation this will be the case in order for parish youth to attend.
Wild Tea with Jesus
March 22, 2025
9 am-4 pm
Join Linden Rayton of Living Water Nature Programs on a day retreat at BCH where we will enter into Jesus' Lenten journey by engaging in an ancient human tradition- making tea. Our tea will be created from wild ingredients on the BCH property. Within the ritual of foraging, brewing, and drinking our tea, we will explore themes of resilience and retreat as taught and lived by Jesus.
The day will start with a morning session, break for an included lunch, continue with an afternoon session, and finish with a closing prayer. All participants should bring outdoor-appropriate clothing and footwear, as we will be outside for two portions of the day, except in the case of extreme weather.
This program is designed for anyone 18 years and up.
Registration is $40.

Spring Work Weekend and Youth Retreat
When: May 9-11, 2025
This year, we've scheduled our annual spring work weekend and our spring youth retreat on the same weekend. There will be opportunity for overlap between programs where youth will have a chance to earn student service learning hours by helping with one block of work time, and we'll close our weekend together with Eucharist on Sunday, but there will also be time for each program to run separately.
If you have questions about ways this all-ages weekend might work for your family/church/friends/group, please don't hesitate to reach out to BCH Executive Director, Spencer Hatcher at spencer@bchcenter.org
Spring Work Weekend:
Join us for a weekend of work (and play!) as we complete various projects around BCH. Bring yourself, your family, your friends, or your church for the day or stay overnight. All ages, stages, and abilities are welcome!
On Saturday morning, we'll gather for breakfast in the Dining Hall starting at 8 am and break out into project groups for the morning. We'll gather back together for lunch at noon and then either begin more projects or continue with the morning's projects. The work portion of our day will end around 5 pm with dinner at 6 pm. After dinner, we'll celebrate our time together with a campfire and reception. For folks who choose to stay Saturday night, breakfast will be at 8 am on Sunday morning, followed by a closing Eucharist service.
Cost: This is a no cost event.

Spring Youth Retreat:
We're continuing with our quarterly youth events for Middle and High School youth from around the New England region and we hope you'll be there! Come and spend the weekend with old and new friends, earn service learning hours, and have a great time doing it. Youth in 6th-12th grade are welcome to join us.
This event is appropriate for individuals and for existing youth groups. If you're a youth leader and want to talk about bringing your youth group and, potentially, chaperoning this event, reach out to BCH Program Director, Kate Howton at kate@bchcenter.org
Cost: We have tiered pricing for this event, so pay at the level you are able- $50, $100, and $175.
Becoming an Episcopal Outdoorswoman
When: 13-14 September, 2025
Join us for the 2nd Annual Becoming an Episcopal Outdoorswoman program here at BCH! If you've ever been curious about expanding your outdoors skillset, or are looking to deepen wilderness practices you already love, this is a program for you! Facilitated by Episcopal women, come and spend the day connecting with creation and learning, together, valuable skills in an environment of cooperation and Christian community.
This program is coordinated by NH Episcopalian and environmental educator, Linden Rayton of Living Water Nature Programs.
This event is for female-identifying folks who are 18 years old and up.
Registration and fee information TBD

For Conference Center questions or to make reservations, please call (603) 547-3400 or email info@bchcenter.org